GTV Teacher Prep System Specifications

rough draft 11/18/86


- System will be extremely easy to use. A teacher should be able program a GTV day in under 5 minutes; a week in less than 20 minutes.

- System will be fun and inviting, encouraging exploration as teacher familiarity and confidence grows.

- System will provide tools that anticipate a teacher's evolving needs.

- The possibility of an off-line programing system should be explored.


The GTV Year Hierarchy-

For consistency, this model continues with the use of television metaphors. A GTV year is the year's curriculum, organized to enhance GTV's accumulative structure. The material is broken into two relatable periods each a semester long called lineups. The lineup lets a teacher organize a semester's worth of GTV material.


Words Words Words-

fall/spring Line-Up - semester curriculum

channel - content organizer

series - lesson organizer

segment - the atom of GTV

preview/promo - advanced organizer

PSA - conceptual nugget

station ID - attitude enforcer

bulletin/report - special interruption

special - running video

Everything a teacher will ever want to do or use (and more).

browse/search by:

- image

- keyword

- subject

- links

- concept

- lesson/course plan

- sound

- mood/texture

- program length

- test results


maps and graphics:

- standard numerical charts and graphs

- customizable chart/graph graphics

- temporal maps

- customizable maps

- text/graphics overlay

- graphic models/simulations

cut and paste fun:

- images (slide show)

- images + sound (segment)

- text (handout)

- text + images (report)

- text + images + sound (segment/tests)

Teacher Involvement levels-

At rookie level:

- play a canned program

- play a canned series or mini-series

- play a canned line-up

At cadet level:

- explore system resources (browse segments, images, text, etc.)

- modify a day's program

- modify programing on a series level

- use tests



At grandmaster level:

- fully construct a day's program

- plan/construct programing on a series level

- plan/construct a complete line-up

- design/use tests

- use more advanced system resources:

• create slide shows

• specify links/connect-the-dots directionality

• etc. etc. etc.